Welcome to the OCP!

The Orthodox Community at Penn is one of the most vibrant and exciting communities of its kind. We are proud to be entirely student-run and independently funded, but we are housed in Penn Hillel. Our thriving community is one of the most active on campus, providing students with multiple daily minyanim, a lively social life filled with weekly events, a vast array of Torah learning opportunities and a warm Shabbat experience. The OCP welcomes you with open arms and invites you to make our community your home at Penn.

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Submit Mazal Tovs!

Submit a BDE

Help Support the OCP

The OCP could truly use your help to continue running the incredible events they do every year. Now more than ever we would love for you to partner with us in creating larger and more inspired events.

Shabbat Security List

The Shabbat Security List grants access to the dormitories on Shabbat without the need to carry an ID.

Eruv map
University City Eruv

Donate to the University City Eruv Corporation.